If you’re planning a move, it’s important to be prepared. A first-night moving kit is a great way to ensure you have everything you need when you arrive at your new home. Here’s a checklist of all the items to pack in your first-night moving kit. With this list, you’ll be comfortable and ready for whatever comes your way on your first night in your new home.

Pack a bag with your essentials

Moving can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. Before you get to your new home, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared for your first night in the house. Pack a bag with your essentials — items like toiletries, a change of clothes, and any medications that you might need. 

Don’t forget items that will help with sleep such as comfortable PJs, pajamas for children, or even eye masks if desired. Additionally, don’t forget to bring snacks! Keeping your favorite treats on hand will make the transition to a new home much easier. 

Finally, throw in some toys or books so that everyone in the family has something to do when they’ve just arrived at their new place! Pack smartly for your first night and create a smooth transition into your new home!

Make sure to have your phone charger with you

Moving to a new place can be an overwhelming experience. To ensure you have all the essentials, it’s a good idea to put together a first-night moving kit. Remember to pack in your phone charger, so that you can stay connected with family, friends, and colleagues during this transition. Having this vital item in your moving kit will ensure that your communication won’t be interrupted. 

Pack some snacks and drinks

Moving day can be an exhausting experience, so it’s important to plan and make sure that you have snacks and drinks ready when you arrive. Having some food and beverages on hand can take the stress off of finding something to eat after a long day of packing and unpacking boxes, while also saving you the cost of going out for dinner. 

Whether you choose healthy snacks like nuts or dried fruit, easy ones like sandwiches, or snacks with more energy like energy bars, make sure that your first-night moving kit is stocked with plenty of food, so you don’t have to worry about what to eat right away.

Include a set of sheets and towels

Having a set of sheets and towels packed in your first-night moving kit can make settling into your new space much easier. Not only will having these items ready give you peace of mind as soon as you arrive, but you’ll also be able to rest comfortably after a hard day. Knowing that everything you need is at the ready allows you to relax and start your transition into your new home with ease. Make sure to include a set of sheets and towels so that even on day one, you can begin to feel right at home.

Don’t forget to pack any important documents

When moving into a new home or apartment for the first time, it’s smart to be prepared by having any important documents handy in the first night moving kit. It would most notably include your lease agreement and driver’s license, as you may need these for your new dwelling. Furthermore, having quick access to these documents can help provide peace of mind during the transition period, allowing you to enjoy a successful move into your new environment without any problems regarding documentation.

Pack a few items to keep yourself entertained

Taking a break after a long day of moving can be essential to restoring your mental and physical energy. To make sure you’re ready to unwind and relax, don’t forget the items you need to keep yourself entertained. Whether it’s books or board games, having something set aside to spend your free time on can be the perfect way to take your mind off the day’s events. While these items may seem minor, packing them in your first-night moving kit can ensure that when you settle down for the evening, you’re ready for some much-needed rest.

Now that you know what to pack in a first-night moving kit, all that’s left is for you to get yourself settled in your new home. By taking things one step at a time, you can rest assured that your transition into your new home will be seamless. Happy moving!

About Interest Moving & Storage

InterWest Moving and Storage in Idaho, Montana, Utah & Wyoming can assist you with relocation services  — from packing to unloading. An agent of Atlas Van Lines, we have been delivering high-quality transportation services to our customers since 1956. Apart from residential packing and moving, we are also corporate moving specialists and provide domestic and international corporate, art, and government relocation services. You can call our toll-free number (800) 877-1091 to book our assistance and get a free quote.