When you’re used to a big house, moving into a smaller space can prove difficult and frustrating.

Moving to a smaller home can be an opportunity to declutter your home and make some healthy changes to your living space. Here’s our tips for decluttering and downsizing your large home.

Embrace Getting Rid of Stuff

There’s a lot of reasons for downsizing. Maybe your kids have grown up and moved on, you want to save money, or you’re just looking for change. All of these scenarios present an opportunity to get rid of goods and furniture that you don’t actually need.

Make your move into a smaller house or apartment easier by getting rid of duplicate items and any unwanted stuff. Consider what you actually use on a daily or weekly basis, and what you actually need to get by. You’ll be surprised at how much space you free up by getting rid of old appliances, kitchen utensils, clothing, knick-knacks, and so on.

While it can be tough for some to let go of goods, it’s important to focus on what matters. Those excess goods may not be bringing any actual value to your life but could bring value to others. Consider it an opportunity to make some extra cash to finance your move, or simply donate unnecessary things to charity. Embrace your opportunity to get rid of stuff and start fresh.

Remind Yourself of the Benefits

Getting rid of the extra space can be frustrating at first, but it’s important to remember what you’re gaining by moving into a small space. First, you’re going to be saving a lot in monthly expenses. A smaller living area means lower utilities, property taxes, and overall living costs.

The saved money can be used to customize the space you do have the way you’ve always dreamed of. Alternatively, you can utilize the additional funds to spend more time outdoors or seeing the world.

A smaller square footage also means there’s less to maintain. While you can clutter up a small space quicker, it’s also much easier to clean and tidy up. That means more time doing what you like and enjoying your time at home.

Measure Your New Space Ahead of Time

An easy way to sort through what you’re keeping and getting rid of is by knowing what’s actually going to fit. You may be partial to a particular piece of furniture or large appliance, but it won’t do you any good sitting in storage for eternity.

Visualize your desired room layout and see what you have to make it work. You may be able to sell furniture you can’t hold on to if it’s in good shape at a low price. Alternatively, set furniture you won’t be taking with a sign indicating it’s free at the curb. It’ll likely be gone before the next day.

Moving into a Smaller Space with InterWest Moving and Storage

InterWest Moving and Storage is here to assist you with your move, no matter the size. We’re a proud member of Atlas Van Lines – one of the most trusted names in moving. Our team has the expertise and technological solutions to help you effectively move into your downsized space.

Starting with InterWest is as simple as requesting your obligation-free in-home estimate! We have agents posted throughout the country, and a team member close to you will reach out shortly!