Are you planning a big move somewhere else?
Many people are planning on moving around with the new year. Most people have the idea that it’s a new year and a new me so I should get some place else that might be new too. Well, you’re in luck we’ve got our top five places to move in America for 2018!
Our Top Cities to Move to in America
New York City
New York City is a classic and will always end up on this list. If you are planning on living somewhere, you have to try New York City. Even if you don’t like it, move back after a year or two, but it is nothing short of an experience.
Minneapolis is going to have a great year for 2018. They are hosting the super bowl (which they could very well win), and they are also growing with a new period of expansion. Minneapolis is shaping to be one of the best cities to live in for 2018.
Sacramento is quietly becoming one of the nicest areas to live in America. It is a quaint little suburb ideal for raising your kids and giving them a nice start to their life.
Seattle is not just a rainy city that is full of great sites and sounds. It is also home to the two most ideologically sound corporations in the world, Starbucks, and Amazon. If you want to go up any corporate ladder, these are the two.
Finally, Bozeman is one of the best college towns in America and was poised to host the next winter Olympics. A great city of opportunity.